Contreras Field, Home of the Yuma AeroModelers
Our club is chartered under AMA (Academy of Model Aeronautics).
Club charter #320 AMA Gold Leader Club.
Our club’s purpose is to promote model aircraft activities; building, flying, teaching others to fly.
Our RC Field is now named in honor of John Contreras.
Our club meetings are held at the field, Oct. – Apr. First Saturday of the Month, 10AM West side of field.
If you enjoy making models or putting planes together. Then this Hobby is for You.
If you are interested in learning to fly model airplanes and/or Drones, helicopters, just contact our club. Get in touch with us, if you have any questions about our club activities or to offer comments.
History of Our Club
Our club was started over 35 years ago and has had various flying sites over the years. We have had the current field since 1996 and have been working on improving it a little at a time. By far the biggest improvement was when we put in the paved runway. The club membership includes local flyers plus many winter visitors who enjoy the usually great year-round flying weather. It’s great to be able to fly RC without restrictions 24/7 Day or Night.
Float Flying: (October Thru April) We float fly at Mittry Lake on Tuesday mornings – Sunrise to 10am.
Our field has a paved runway 600 X 60. Shaded pits for morning and afternoon flying. Hwy 95 and Rifle Range Road. Located at N32d 42′ 27.59″ by W114d 25′ 27.59″
All AMA and MAAC members are welcome to fly. Non-club members need a club member as a sponsor. Check our By-Laws located in the Documents and Forms section.
E-Mail address:
Mail address: Yuma Aeromodelers, P.O. Box 25904, Yuma, AZ. 85367